Why Writeahead is 2020's Most Important School Supply

    This upcoming school year is going to be different than what we are used to seeing in previous years. Between, the uncertainty of whether or not schools will be reopened or if classrooms will transition into an online format, and limitations on interaction between teachers and students this school year may be challenging.  Thankfully, WriteAhead can help to overcome some of the challenges that your student may face this school year.

    WriteAhead is a tutoring service powered by CorrectEnglish, a continuous writing mastery program included with WriteAhead. Offering personalized feedback from a tutor, WriteAhead works with CorrectEnglish as a 1-2-3 step process. This process begins with automated review and is followed by personal, detailed tutor review and revision.



    This year more than likely, students are going to be receiving less one-to-one attention from teachers in the classroom. Some students rely more on this individualized attention than others in order to succeed in school. Thankfully, WriteAhead’s tutors can provide students with individualized reviews and feedback that they may typically receive from a teacher.

    This detailed review and feedback helps the tutor to form a longer-term plan on how your student will not only improve on their work but also elevate their writings skills overall for the future. With WriteAhead, it is easier to pinpoint where your child is facing challenges when it comes to writing, leading to a better way to remedy the situation.



    CorrectEnglish is an advanced continuous writing mastery program that offers corrections on your child’s writing in areas like grammar, spelling, and word choice. This powerful tool provides on-the-fly writing feedback with explanations for why the corrections are needed.

    CorrectEnglish makes a perfect foundation for elevating your child’s writing, while WriteAhead takes it one step further by providing more detailed, focused reviews and recommendations on their work. Our tutors will guide your child on topics like focus, content development, organization, and language usage. Additionally, tutors will offer targeted revision strategies to help your student achieve writing excellence. 


    As you prepare your child for this upcoming school year, make sure you add WriteAhead to your back-to-school supply shopping list. To learn more about WriteAhead, visit: http://www.writeahead.com/k12-student

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