How To Prepare For In-Class Essays

    Test and essay season is upon us, and in-class essays are inevitable. Harder to prepare for, the in-class essay is one that many students struggle with. When it comes to test-taking and the in-class essay, your student may be concerned with how long the essay needs to be, how detailed they should go into the assigned topic, and how much time it should take compared to the rest of their test.

    If you or your student are concerned about in-class essays during the test-taking season, then look no further. Have your student read the tips below to learn how to best prepare for in-class essays!

    Review Class Material

    The first thing you’ll want to do to prepare is to review the class material. This is standard for any type of studying, but reviewing notes from class will help to contextualize the essay prompts. It will also allow concepts to be more readily available when starting the essay because the material is still fresh in your mind.



    Another way you can prep for in-class essays is to sharpen your writing skills; either on your own or by working with a tutor, practice is what makes progress.

    The idea here is that the more you write, the better you will be prepared to write an essay on the spot for in-class tests. This is essential when you won’t know the prompts beforehand.

    Working with a tutor can speed up this process. A writing tutor can find your weak areas and help you strengthen them in preparation for in-class essays and more!

    If you’re looking for a writing tutor, WriteAhead can help. WriteAhead is an online tutoring service designed to help students become better writers. To learn more about how working with our expert tutors can help your student, visit

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