The Best Back-To-School Supply For Children With Learning Disabilities

You’re probably sympathetic with the challenges your child faces at school if they have a learning disability. A lack of confidence and acceptance among peers can take a toll on your child’s self-esteem.  

Negative emotions can exacerbate academic struggles. Homework can be a nightly battle. 

School is going to look a lot different this year as we are still in a period of transition. Your child may not have a specialized educator to rely on throughout the day.  

The new school year is almost upon us, and it’s the perfect time for a change. What if your child had a tool that could help them fine-tune their writing assignments – and a tutor to guide them through the writing process? 

WriteAhead is the perfect back-to-school supply. We help students with learning disabilities succeed with writing assignments like book reports, essays, research papers, and more. 

Powered by CorrectEnglish – a continuous writing mastery tool that corrects spelling and grammar as your child types – WriteAhead offers revision help by a tutor on your child’s assignments. 

Keep reading to learn how WriteAhead empowers students with learning disabilities. 


Tutor's Guidance On Revisions On Assignments

Working with a tutor will give your child confidence to submit their assignments. WriteAhead tutors use many strategies to help students with learning disabilities become better writers. These may include: 

Your child will be able to work on assignments from the comfort of their own home, giving them a feeling of support and familiarity as they learn. 

Think about how this school year could be improved by giving your child the resources they need to become a strong writer. 


Continuous Feedback On Spelling And Grammar Available 24/7 

By using CorrectEnglish, which is offered with WriteAhead, your child will have access to feedback on their writing whenever they need it. CorrectEnglish is a powerful software that offers corrections on spelling, grammar, word choice, and more.  

Most parents understand what it’s like when their child suddenly remembers at 8:00 p.m. that they have a writing assignment due the next day. 

CorrectEnglish has templates for scholastic writing of all types and formats. Your child can simply select the appropriate template and get to writing, receiving instant feedback as they make progress on their assignment. Included with WriteAhead is 30 days of access to CorrectEnglish. 


Want to make school a fun experience? Help your child build confidence in their writing skills and ace their classes this year. As you’re shopping for back-to-school supplies, add WriteAhead to the top of your list. To learn more about how WriteAhead can help your child succeed academically, visit